IPO Readiness - Benefits for stakeholders & Structured process

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1) IPO readiness Save time and costs and increase transaction certainty by adopting a structured approach to your IPO journey

2) IPO readiness Are you ready... The first step in the EY’s IPO readiness service is the first step in what we describe as the “IPO value journey” and is designed to guide your company through a successful transformation from private to public status. Achieving readiness will ensure a strong debut in the capital markets. Getting IPO readiness right means implementing change throughout the business, organization and the corporate culture. As a public company, you will be subject to increased filing requirements, transparency, compliance, scrutiny by investors and analysts, and overall accountability for delivering on promises. Successful businesses start to prepare typically 12 to 24 months before the IPO — in many cases with an IPO readiness assessment. Benefits for stakeholders 1 Save time... ...by gaining insight into your capital-raising options EY's IPO readiness service helps you decide which options best fit your business strategies and objectives, delivers an IPO base case and builds the road map to enhanced value. It helps to further set up and improve the right infrastructure and processes to get IPO-ready. It is a good foundation for an important milestone in the funding strategy of many companies. 2 IPO readiness 2 Reduce costs... ...by achieving transparency on how to get IPO-ready We help you, as an owner or manager, map out the organizational changes required to successfully execute an IPO or other capital transaction in one integrated approach.

3) IPO value journey Planning 2 1 Prepare Options 12-24 months Execution 3 Timing 6-12 months 4 Right team 4-6 months 5 6 Realization Infrastructure Governance Investor relations 2-4 months Pre-IPO 8 9 Roadshow 10 9 Investors and analysts 7 Deliver 2-4 weeks 1 week 30 days and beyond IPO 1-2 months Post-IPO certainty... 3 Increase transaction 4 Share knowledge... The right team, the right story, the right timing and the right pricing. At EY, we see every IPO as a structured process of transformation that maximizes transaction value. It is an important step in the life cycle of the businesses we serve. We present all the specific requirements of your IPO and provide you with an ideal opportunity to address questions, share knowledge and train your team. ...in unpredictable IPO markets ...and train your team Save time and costs and increase transaction certainty by adopting a structured approach to your IPO journey 3

4) IPO readiness ...to take every step of the IPO journey? Structured process 1 Assessment workshop An assessment workshop covers all areas specific to the IPO case: strategy, structures, taxes, financials, internal systems, functions, leadership and the planned timeline. We work hand in hand with you to identify and discuss any gaps that need closing on your IPO value journey. We also discuss strategic funding considerations and develop an initial target structure and IPO base case in line with your objectives. A tailor-made and integrated approach Strategy Structures • IPO value journey • Issuing company • Company level • IPO destination • Group structure • Shareholder level • Equity story and offering concept • Maintenance of influence • Transaction level Financial Timing • IPO windows • Plan B options • Internal ressources IPO readiness 8 assessment modules Leadership Functions • C-suite and board of directors • Investor relations • Remuneration • Committees • Corporate governance 4 IPO readiness Taxes • Compliance officer • External reporting • Forecasting • Prospectus Systems • Internal controls • Enterprise risk • Compliance management The IPO readiness assessment workshop can include up to eight modules tailored to your specific needs.

5) and deliverables 2 Diagnostics and gap analysis We compare the target structure with the current structure to reveal any gaps. We analyze these in greater detail in individual follow-up workshops and clarify the time, content and resources required to close them. These results are then used to develop the plan for the work leading up to the multitrack option/IPO. 3 Unpredictable IPO markets make IPO readiness and internal preparation more important than ever. Be ready to kick-start execution when the IPO window of opportunity opens. IPO readiness result report The IPO readiness result report defines the strategy that lays the foundation for further discussions and multitrack readiness checkpoints, visualizes the gaps between your current status and IPO target-ready status, and recommends work streams and a road map. It also estimates timelines and resources required to fill the gaps and achieve IPO readiness. Save time and costs and increase transaction certainty by adopting a structured approach to your IPO journey 5

6) IPO readiness Why work with a market leader? EY is the number one organization by audit share for helping highgrowth companies to list publicly. With 30 years of IPO experience, we know what it takes to be ready for an IPO. We leverage our international credentials to provide the guidance needed to address the priorities and mitigate risks. Our global network gives us a presence in each capital market and an external network of capital market intermediaries, regulators and exchanges. Our IPO leaders network provides access to a deep pool of knowledge and experience to help anticipate the risks and navigate through the challenges of life as a public company. We have interdisciplinary teams with market-specific knowledge to facilitate cross-border IPOs and overseas listings. EY’s IPO services • IPO readiness assessment analyzing the gaps for market eligibility • IPO destination advisory finding the right marketplace 6 IPO readiness • IPO prepare services preparing infrastructure for pre- and post-IPO • Integrated IPO execution services to launch a successful IPO and floatation

7) Your contacts We look forward to talking to you in person. Europe, Middle East, India, Africa Dr. Martin Steinbach + 49 6196 996 11574 martin.steinbach@de.ey.com MENA Anil Menon + 965 9786 3077 anil.menon@kw.ey.com MENA Mayur Pau + 971 56 655 4034 mayur.pau@ae.ey.com Global Maria Pinelli + 44 20 7980 0960 maria.pinelli@ey.com IPO readiness We recommend an IPO readiness session with our IPO leaders based in your country. Built on EY’s position as the number-one facilitator in bringing companies public, this workshop is designed to guide your company through a successful IPO transaction and includes guidance on assessing the right IPO destination. Our IPO Center of Excellence Visit ey.com/ipocenter and find valuable guidance for your IPO journey. Access our IPO knowledge, events, tools, thought leadership, webcasts, facts and figures and contact details of our regional IPO leaders around the world in one easy-to-use source. Americas Jacqueline Kelley + 1 949 437 0237 jacqueline.kelley@ey.com Asia Pacific Ringo Choi + 86 755 2502 8298 ringo.choi@cn.ey.com Japan Shinichiro Suzuki + 81 3 3503 2510 suzuki-shnchr@shinnihon.or.jp Save time and costs and increase transaction certainty by adopting a structured approach to your IPO journey 7

8) EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com. The MENA practice of EY has been operating in the region since 1923. For over 90 years, we have evolved to meet the legal and commercial developments of the region. Across MENA, we have over 5,000 people united across 18 offices and 13 Arab countries, sharing the same values and an unwavering commitment to quality. © 2013 Ernst & Young. All Rights Reserved. ED None This publication contains information in summary form and is therefore intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed research or the exercise of professional judgment. Neither EYGM Limited nor any other member of the global EY organization can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. On any specific matter, reference should be made to the appropriate advisor. ey.com/mena